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  • Receive 20-minute phone consultation, including compensation analysis based on your specialty, desired practice and location!

Career and Life Planning

Invest in yourself

Career and life Planning Resource Library will help guide you through the challenges you will find as you begin your career or look to advance your career in new and exciting ways.

Search among 100+ Career and Life Planning resources, including:

Visit Our physician career planning library to search 100+ resouces to guide your next move.


Differentiate from the competition

Build your profile is the first step to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Once completed, you will be provided with 20-minute complimentory Phone Consultation with Todd Skertich, Founder of Adventures in Medicine, Creator and Co-author of Career and Life Planning GuideBook for Medical Residents and creator of

Complimentary Phone Consultation includes:

  • Review of candidate profile.
  • Compensation analysis based on your speciality,
    desired practice and up to three location(s).
  • Strategy to differentiate yourself from competition.
  • Guided tour of
  • Q&A
  • Recommended next step

Get Started today by building your profile!

About Us

Physician Career Planning an all-in-one physician career and life planning platform to help residents transition training into practice and help physicians transition from one practice to another.

Search 100+ career and life planning resources.

Our Physician Career and life Planning Resource Library is filled with niche career and life planning content offered in stand-alone checklists, exercises, articles, eBooks, financial calculators, and powerful, interactive community lifestyle search engine.

Find your dream job

Our unrivaled job board platform allows you to easily search, review and apply to jobs that meet your requirements

Each posting includes built-in community research allowing you to search each community as well as the opportunity to determine if both the community and opportunity matches your personal and professional needs.

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