General ENT in East Texas
Otolaryngology (ENT)
What you need to know
Practice Details
Job ID: 11148
Practice Details
- Recruiting a board certified, experienced Otolaryngologist to join a hospital employed practice.
- The incoming physician will be the sole provider of general ENT services.
- Join our hospital employed multi-specialty group
- Residents and practicing physicians are welcome to apply
- Adult & pediatric ENT
- Primarily outpatient
- 1:3 hospital call (very light)
- Strong referral base and supportive administration
- Procedure rooms and on-site testing
- The ideal physician will enjoy living and practicing in a rural community
Community Details
You will find the Palestine community situated deep in the heart of East Texas among rolling hills, hardwood forests, tall pines, dogwood trees, lush pastures, panoramic lakes and an abundance of wildlife.
Palestine is the center of activity for surrounding smaller communities and is conveniently located between Dallas and Houston.
Established in 1846 as a center of commerce and culture, Palestine continues to thrive because its small town charm and welcoming spirit. With a unique history and desire to preserve the treasures of past cultures, the people of Palestine also embrace the future by continually seeking out additional economic opportunities.
- Palestine features many attractions and ‘hidden treasures’. These include the Texas Theatre, a crown jewel of downtown Palestine and the finest venue for live entertainment in East Texas and the award-winning Main Street District, which covers 44 blocks of Downtown, Old Town and the Courthouse Square and features historic architecture, shopping, antiques, restaurants and more.
- Palestine is also home to the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility, a NASA facility responsible for providing launch, tracking and control of unmanned high altitude balloons, and the Texas State Railroad (TSR), the “Official Railroad of Texas.” It operates the only consistently run steam engines in the state. Offering excursions, special events, and dinner trains throughout the year, the railroad has been a very popular locale for filmmakers and television show producers – the most popular of which is the Polar Express™, which attracts approximately 75, 000 visitors annually.
Compensation Details
- Compensation package in accordance with MGMA standards, includes a base salary guarantee plus work RVU model
- Sign-on bonus
- Relocation assistance up to $10k
- Student loan repayment assistance and more
Top Five Things to Do
- Take a Sightseeing Tour at Wolf Creek Lake
- Howard House Museum
- Steven Bennett Park
- Have Fun in the Upper City Lake
- Museum for East Texas Culture
Compensation Details
Community Details
Recruiter Insights
Community Profile
What is nice to know.

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